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General Questions/New to Joomla! 5.x • J 5.1.1. problem seeing articles placed in created categories and subcategories

Maybe it's just me, or the mix of overrides I've got running here. The global and per category and per menu item options are set to show all levels, show empty categories, and show the count of articles. When I place articles by Admin Action from the backend, I can see the number counts displayed on both the backend and front end. I can see the links to the subcategory names. But when I click the links to access the articles inside any of my categories, those pages open blank, or at least open the actual category description. If I search those articles on the Search bar, and Joomla! presents the actual link, I can then click the search result and voila! The pages I want open up. So it does not appear to be a user or groups or level ACL issue. All of my linking inside an article header does work, such as Parent Category, and the Subcategory once I am in an article. It's just not doing the same as Joomla 3.12.x.. I can also click on the button to Post Article into any one of these blog-like subcategories. The new post is seen in the backend, but no matter what I have tried I cannot see the post to a subcategory. I turn off workflow. Same problem. I publish the article and feature it. Same problem. I can see the post to a category level however. It does not matter what front side access level I login as. Even logging in as Super does not let me see the subcategory content by clicking the visible links. If I know the URL and type that in, the pages open just fine. Once open they act as if they opened by click on the actual linked subcategory.

I also checked inside the database table com_content for params to see what is set for "show_subcategory_content" and some are set to "-1" others are set to "0" and some are set to "" (nothing). With all of the settings changes I made in the backend, turning everything on, public, etc. I am not sure how any of my params fields have this: "show_subcategory_content":"" but I am also not certain I am even looking in the right places. I am really liking Joomla 5.1.1 but if I can't figure this out, it is definitely a show-stopper in my book. Thanks to all for taking a look and offering a 'what's up' back to me. As always if I figure this out, I will detail the solution for everyone.

Statistics: Posted by JimHomyak — Thu Jun 06, 2024 12:21 am

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