Hi. I did not mean the сomponent.php file but an override of a particular component.
I found in my template component.php file and added code:
If you need this in the articles, you must to make an override the necessary template from the component of articles (com_content).
Step 1 - create override --
Step 2 - edit php file by adding this option somewhere where you need
<?php echo JHtml::_('content.prepare', '{loadposition YOUR_POSITION_NAME}'); ?>
The same for any other components.
Perhaps your misconception is that you are considering this as adding to Copponent Area. There is no such place. The positions of the modules below or above Copponent Area are in the template (index.php). If you want to add a position inside the component, you need to make an override of each specific component's PHP file
Statistics: Posted by Pavel-ww — Mon Jan 22, 2024 9:06 am