Thanks for the feedback.
I did some more digging and it turns out the reference wasn't for a missing library but one that had been in Joomla 3. It transferred over to Joomla 4 and evidently was flagged as an error, although I'm not sure why. It didn't trigger an error message in J3 like it does in J4.
The library was not identified as a potential problem when I ran the upgrade check in J3 so I didn't think to look for it in J4's active extensions. Once I did and disabled it, the warning went away. I checked different articles, menus, etc, on my site and they appeared to be OK without the library.
My heart is back to its normal rate now.
I did some more digging and it turns out the reference wasn't for a missing library but one that had been in Joomla 3. It transferred over to Joomla 4 and evidently was flagged as an error, although I'm not sure why. It didn't trigger an error message in J3 like it does in J4.
The library was not identified as a potential problem when I ran the upgrade check in J3 so I didn't think to look for it in J4's active extensions. Once I did and disabled it, the warning went away. I checked different articles, menus, etc, on my site and they appeared to be OK without the library.
My heart is back to its normal rate now.
Statistics: Posted by jmahun — Sun Dec 24, 2023 2:35 pm